Atom Practice #3 Balance Agility

Drill Diagram


Each station 10 mins long

Station #1 Split kids into two groups.
Part 1- Have 2 cones for each kid, have them practice tight turns doing a figure 8 around the cones. Work on keeping both feet together (using inside edge of outside foot and outside edge of inside foot), turn the shoulders and accelerate from tight turn.

Part 2 - Have the other half of the kids line up in the corner. Stagger the cones. Player weave around cones and pick up puck at the end and take a shot from top of the circle on net.(have them hit a pylon to make it harder.)

Station #2 Balance and skating- goalie should do this station as well.
Players start on boards. Demonstrate basic stance. Perform following activities to far boards and back. Fall down and get up.down on one knee, gliding with knee bent, gliding arm pump and two leg slalom.

Station #3 - Horse shoe
Players in the corner. First player in line skates to the cone and recieves pass from opposite corner and shots on net. Player that made the pass continues to cone.

Tags: Keeping both feet together when doing tight turns, accelerate out of turn. Keep shoulders level and bend at the waist