1 2 3

Drill Diagram

Drill Diagram

Drill Diagram


1-2-3 will be how we start every practice.

Drill 1 is 5 lines, always start on the same side, Here we will begin with tight turns, stops and starts, Pivots, front to back, etc. Add in pucks and things like escape turns as well. Goalies will skate, doing down ups and always facing one end (also pad slide to boards, etc).

Drill 2 is Hi Lo Hi Lo, so opposing corners are low and opposing corners are high. Stick handling, with shots on goalies. Focus here is continue moving feet, and heads up hockey. Switch corners when done.

Drill 3 goalies will work for 5 minutes with Justin on what they need to work on.
In addition skaters get into groups of 3, X's face O. All 3 skate together with puck making 5 foot passes. X1 to o1 who pivots and passes to x2, who is skating backwards. X2 passes to o1 who pivots again to x1 who is skating forwards. And so on. Switch up after each down and back.

Tags: Skating:, Explosive start, transition low, lead with inside foot on tight turns, pivots butts to pilons., ,