Looping-Breakout Flow Drill

Drill Diagram

Animation #1   


Line Players & Tires as shown.

On whistle 2 forwards take off making a hard loop around the tire they are standing closest too with the first one carrying a puck. Players skate a full revolution around the center ice circle, as the forwards are doing that the first D man in the corner of the same side comes out and takes a position at the face off dot closest to him.

As the skaters finish their loop around the circle the player without the puck takes up a breakout position on the weak side while the forward with the puck makes a pass to the D man. The D man loops behind the net with the puck waiting for the forwards to be in the correct places for a breakout.

D man starts the breakout with a pass and continues to skate a hard side board ending up back in the line he started from. The weak side forward makes a pass to the looping forward in the center position and they start a 2 on 0 towards the far net. A D man from the far end of the ice sprints out to make the 2 on 0 a 2on1 forcing the puck carrier to the outside.

The next group of forwards on the opposite side can not start until the forwards pass them after their breakout ant they do the same drill in the opposite directions.