3 Circles Attack

Drill Diagram


On whistle, all leave at same time. D picks up puck behind net while F1 sets up for pass on Dzone far circle's hashes, F2 sets up on Dzone near circle hashes and F3 loops center circle. Focus on timing.

D makes initial breakout pass to F1 while F2 breaks into center area of zone and then accepts pass from F1. F1 skates into position covering far side of F2.

As F2 receives pass, F3 is ready to accept pass from F2. F2 takes puck to far side and F2 slides into center ice location.

As puck crosses into Ozone, F1 and F2 set up for attack. Coaches can implement their own attack plan from there.

Notes: Focus to players should be timing, solid passing and supporting your passes by skating behind the player you just passed to.

This drill is not as complicated as I drew it.

Tags: Timing, Passing, Attack, Positioning