Team Canada

Drill Diagram


One player is placed in the slot with a puck at both ends just for the purpose of starting the drill. On the whistle, the player in the slot takes a shot on net, and then skates to the corner to pick up another puck.
The other two players have to time the break-out properly. When the player shoots, the other two players start their route into the zone for the breakout. The player in the corner passes up to the player on the left who moves the puck up to the player near the boards.

The player near the boards receives the pass and skates down and takes a shot and the drill continues.

Both sides start at the same time on the first whistle.

Notes: It's very important that the players realize that if they miss a pass in this drill they have to continue on anyways, since there are always two groups moving at once. If one group stops because of a bad pass, then the other group could catch up to them.

This drill is great for passing on the fly, and for the players to work on reading the play and timing it properly.

Once the players get comfortable you can insist that they never turn their backs to the puck carrier, which means they need to pivot during their turns to face the puck carrier. This will also help them work on their pivots and footwork.

Tags: -Timing, -Passing,