PEP Horseshoe

Drill Diagram


-Place three players (X) as shown in the diagram.
-O starts up the boards and stops facing the middle of the rink, skates backward pivoting at the bottom of the PEP and makes a quick give and go pass to X.
-O carries on with the pattern making creative moves and give and goes to X along the way, curl at the red line for a regroup attack pass into the zone.
-Shoot on the fly with your feet moving.
-Switch out the passers periodically.

Notes: -Explosive start on the drill
-Quick feet on the backward transition
-Promote quick tape to tape passes
-After a few reps have the player break around the second PEP going into the zone (swing out wide for pass from X at the centre line), drawn in red. Do not go offside.
-Add a second pass from the corner to O after he has made the shot from the slot.
-Shoot from the perimeter.

Tags: -quick feet re-group, -quick passing, -accurate passes, -receiving passes on the fly, -creativity, -keeping your head up, -perimeter shooting, -breaking into the zone on the fly, -driving to open lanes