Smitty's D to D Regroup

Drill Diagram

Drill Diagram


One-Man Swing
F1 starts with puck and passes to D1
D1 passes back to F1
F1 one touch pass back to D1
D2 skates back to support D2 in "hinge" support fashion
D1 makes D to D pass to D2
F1 swings down in a low pattern to support D1 and to get return pass from D2
F1 goes 1v0 on goalie.

2-Man Regroup
F1 starts with puck and passes to D1
D1 one-touch passes back to F1
F1 one touch pass back to D1
D2 skates back to support D2 in "hinge" support fashion
D1 makes D to D pass to D2
F1 swings down in a low pattern to support D1
Meanwhile F2 posts-up on the between Red and Blue Line and gets pass from D2.
F2 one-touch passes to F1 and they attack 2v0.

This drill runs out of both ends simultaneously.

Notes: Works D-to-D passes. Make sure D shoulder check quickly to find their partner before the D2D pass.

Tags: D to D Hinge, No Blind D2D passes, Support, F Timing on Swing