D to D Shooting & Deflecting w/ Defenders

Drill Diagram


1. Start two D at the points. & 2 D Net Front to defend.
2. F1 passes to D. D either shoots or makes a D to D pass, and shot on goal. F1 drives to the net for REBOUND, then stays there.
3. Same thing from other corner with F2 passing to point
4. F3 passes out to D who either rolls the puck behind the net, passes D to D. Or Shoots.
5. F's in front try to deflect and hunt for rebound if puck is shot. If puck is rolled behind net, Net front F goes to get it and either pass to High F, D, or takes puck to the net.
6. Play out the 3 on 2 down low.

** Have coaches pressure D on 3rd point shot