Continuous escape

Drill Diagram


D1 starts with the puck and sends it to D2. D1 attacks D2 to try and get the puck back - but tell them to skate straight at D2 or angle outside to inside (smart kids will angle to the inside to take passing lane away). D2 then passes to D3 and attacks. Drill continues. Once D6 gets the puck they have the drill becomes about reading finding the open player. Could be D3 (as seen with red passing line) or they could choose to go back to D5. Everyone needs to be ready to receive pass and be an outlet for player with puck. Drill continues - wherever D passes - that D must attack.

Tags: Hands out front, See what's in front of you before 'escaping'., Find your pass, Head up coming out of escape move, Pass then attack (get up in the play!)