Puck and skating skills

Drill Diagram


Bob the Builder: Game starts with puck dumped in and one X vs one O. Whomever gets the puck must pass the puck to their line to 'add' another player to the zone. Bad passes don't count to add players. Teams can't score until they have 2 players in the zone. If goal is scored dump in new puck and let it play for 60-75 seconds. Modify as the game goes on if they keep scoring after 2 players in zone. Each goal - add new 'requirement" IE after first goal with 2 players they must now have 3 players in the zone before scoring. Etc.

Puck work:
X starts by making a pivot around the stick, then moving to grab a puck from the pile and stickhandling through the stickhandling device, then working through the tires (emphasis to move the puck to the forehand or backhand as they work through the tires) and then pass the puck under the stick (on top of cones/tire) to the coach. Continue to jump over the same stick and then coach sends puck back to player who finishes with a shot on net.

Foot races: On "go" X and O leave. Sprint to top cone, STOP and touch the cone with one hand, then to the next cone, stop and touch with one glove, then to the last cone (potential for collision so remind them to be aware of other player going to the same cone) stop and touch with glove then sprint to puck for breakway/shot.

Tight turns: KTP Stay low. Inside leg in front, outside leg drives from back 1/3rd of foot. Head turns first, then shoulders and hips. Put puck in front as shoulders are turning to lead hands. Don't cross hands over. Top hand away from body. Progression: 1) Normal turn. 2) One foot outside leg (inside edge) only. 3) Inside leg (outside edge) only. 4) 2 foot turn with puck 5) Protect the puck around the cone (extend puck away, done lead with the puck, one hand on forehand halfway down stick and top hand extended out to 'protect' from attacker).