Station - 2 Passing Stations w/ Movement

Drill Diagram


Station 1: Stationary Passing: Drill strats in middle with X5. X5 begins by passing to X1, X1 returns pass. X5 then goes to X2, return pass to X5. Continue to X3 and X4. Once completed, X5 takes X1's place and everyone shifts counter clockwise, X3 goes in middle.

Hard passes. Ensure sticks are held tight and in correct position to send and receive a pass. Shift to backhand passing after 5 minutes.

Station 2: Passing with movement. O1 to O2. Ensure Mites are passing at the point of where his/her fellow teammate will arrive so that the receipent is accepting pass in front versus behind them. Try backhand if they are successfully completing this drill.

Tags: Passing, Passing w/ Movement