1. Tight turns around each pylon with stick leading. Continue fighting for the puck from other player.
2. Focus on weight pushing from the toes to back of the foot when digging into the ice. Tires are locked in elbow during tug'o'war. No pulling with arms. Use force of pushing with feet.
3. Rapid reaction in retrieving a puck on 'puck' signal from coach.
4. Focus on head and eyes up while puckhandling through pylons. Continual transition when pivoting into backwards skating with puck back to the goal line
5. Lots of speed, tight turns and full 2 foot stops.
6. Timing and stick-checking to get the puck from opposing player.
1. Keep head and eyes up and aware of oncoming traffic. Execute crossovers going around faceoff circle. Encourage eye contact with coach and stick is on the ice to ensure player is ready to receive pass.
2. Execute full 2 foot stops. Speed is not important. Ensure continual transition from forwards to backwards skating and vice versa without stopping.
3. Enforce players to have rapid reaction getting to their feet and hockey stance while retrieving tennis balls. Knees bent when stepping over obstacles.
4. Encourage player to keep puck on stick around the obstacle while stepping over. When sliding puck under obstacles on pylons move quickly to retrieve on other side. Puckhandle or open-ice carry back to goal line.
5. Encourage players shooting to have shoulders facing in the direction of shot, following through with sweeping motion and weight shift. Players passing to each other make eye contact to ensure the other is ready to receive pass. Stick points in the direction which the pass is intended. No flicking/golf swings.
1. Ensure players are facing same direction during stops. No snow ploughing.
2. Player does not transition skating to opposite direction until puck is passed/received.
3. Look to ensure player is ready for pass. Player should not start skating until puck has been passed to the next player.
4. Focus on rolling puck from heel to toe of stick.
5. Exercise both sides when pivoting to backwards c-cuts.
6. Execute crossovers around circle. Do not go head on into boards for puck retrieval. Come around along side the boards.