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Box Out Battle Small Area



This small-area game is designed to encourage boxing out. The first progression has a defence and a goalie without a stick and a puck positioned behind the defence but in front of the goalie. On the whistle, the first forward closest to the defence tries to get to the puck and score. They get five seconds to score. On the second whistle, the coach passes to the forward at the top of the circle who must shoot the puck on the ice to the net. Upon the shot, both forwards are battling to get the puck to the net. The entire time the defence is trying to box players out. Their goal is to outlast the other side. Teams get one point for each goal.

The progression is to start with both the forward and defence in the corner. The defence needs to box the player out from the front of the net. On whistle, the same thing happens as above where the player for to the front of the net for a shot from their forward partner on the top of the circle.

The forwards need to keep their eye on the puck and not only focus on battling. They need to activate at the correct times for rebounds by spinning off the defence and creating space.

Notes: Defence needs to stay net side. They can't get caught chasing.

Category: Uncategorized
Tags: Battle, Stay on skates
Posted By: mbarry (Used in 2 Plans) Created: 2023-12-11, Last Modified 2023-12-11


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