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S (Snake) Passing Drill



Place players, often defensive, on the dots. They are the passers. X starts in the corner with a puck. On the whistle, they skate and make a pass to the close defensive player on the dot. After the pass, they skate the "S" pattern to get to the far side for a pass back. The two players on the dots execute a pass between each other (i.e. D to D) and when the puck gets back to the player who first got the pass from X they execute a cross-ice pass to the player who is skating in motion.

Notes: Timing is important. Players skating the "S" pattern must watch the players passing and slow down or speed up if needed. The player making the cross-ice pass must pass ahead of the player and read the timing of their arrival.

Category: Uncategorized
Tags: Timing, Pass ahead
Posted By: mbarry (Used in 1 Plan) Created: 2023-12-30, Last Modified 2023-12-30


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