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Avalanche Passing Drill



The first two players from opposite corners start the drill by carrying a puck a couple of strides transitioning backwards and making a pass to the next player in line.

After the pass they skate into the slot to receive a pass right back and take a shot.

After the shot they continue low into the opposite corner and face up ice as quickly as posssible to receive a pass from the defensive player. The defensive player has skated to the middle of the ice to create a good passing angle.

After they make the pass they skate up to the blue line and transition back into their own zone to receive a pass from the forward that started on the other side. The defense transition while controlling the puck and again, create a good passing angle by gaining the middle of the ice and stepping up in the play.

After they make the pass to the forward they join the rush for a 2 on 0 at the other end. -

Category: Passing
Posted By: kmagnani (Used in 1 Plan) Created: 2013-11-10, Last Modified 2013-11-10


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