This drill was created using's Online Drill Drawing & Practice Planning Platform.
Station 1: Start without a puck. It is a game of tag. O must tag X with their stick. They can change directions around the circle at any time. Introduce pucks and have X carry a puck and O must knock the puck away. Penalize players who grossly hook or trip with 10 burpees.
Station 2: Three sets of there and back skating done as a group (i.e. the entire group goes one way and then the entire group comes back). Meant to be done at 100%. Set 1 is simply a weave through the pylons. Set 2 is a festoon whereby the player must touch the boards with their stick. Set 3 are stops and starts with forward and one back motion.
Station 3: The course is set up like an M using one of the faceoff dots as an escape point. Players skate with a puck, pivot at the top of the cone, and skate backward with puck control. They then escape around the dot and proceed to skate forward again to the second pylon. They execute another pivot and backward with the puck to the blue line. Progress by introducing a stationary coach pass after the escape move for a return pass before the second pylon and pivot. Progress again by having the coach be in different locations (i.e. not stationary) so that players need to look before the pass. Bad passes result in going to the back of the line.
Notes: Goalie development takes place at the far end.