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Gap Control Station



This is a simple gap control and mirroring station. The player with the puck stakes the top zig-zag pattern forwards with a pack and the defending player skates the pow zig-zag pattern pivoting forward to backward at the top pylons. If no goalie then have the forward skating player carry the puck over the goal line. The pylon depth of the lower group can be adjusted such as to increase the likeliness of a one-on-one battle to the net between the two players.

Notes: Make sure to remind the puck carrier to protect the puck and cut to the net. The defensive player should maintain the gap and step up into the player and not back into the goalie. Encourage proper gap (i.e. no more than one stick length away).

Category: Uncategorized
Tags: Puck protection, Stick placement
Posted By: mbarry (Used in 1 Plan) Created: 2024-01-22, Last Modified 2024-01-22


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