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Warm-up Shooting Progressions



1. Diagonal lines begin (X1 and X4) by passing a puck to lines in front of them (X3 and X2).
2. X1 and X4 open up as pass option in middle ice with toes and stick up ice - DEMAND PUCK
3. X2 and X3 feed pass - X1 and X4 go in for shot on goal.

1. Same lines - one side at a time goes.
2. X1 passes to X3 who slides across to X4.
3. X1 immediately takes off hard and skates wide pattern as shown.
4. Once X3 slides puck across blueline, he pops out and progresses up through middle trailing play for middle drive on net.
5. X1 takes puck wide to outside of lines and takes off angle shot on goal.

Category: Warmup
Tags: DEMAND THE PUCK, talking and angle passes
Posted By: kmagnani (Used in 0 Plans) Created: 2013-11-11, Last Modified 2013-11-11


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