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Line Skate Evaluation (tryouts)



These are meant to be done with and without a puck.


1. Always on the outside/board-side skate around cones with the first one being the far end and returning to the other end.
2. Always on the outside/board-side skate around the far pylon, backwards transition and skate to the near pylon, transition forward and skate to the other end.
3. Always on the outside/board-side skate around the far pylon, backward transition and skate through the middle of the pylons to the near pylon, transition forward and skate to the other end.
4. Slalom skates through the pylons at 100% speed.
5. Skate hard, tight turn, full stop, quick start to the other side.

Category: Uncategorized
Posted By: mbarry (Used in 1 Plan) Created: 2024-04-23, Last Modified 2024-04-23


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