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F1 Passes the puck to F2 and then heads to the net for the rebound.
F2 takes a shot pass off the short side pad.

F1 attempts to score the rebound puck (have a spare puck just off to the side of the net incase the rebound gets away) OR can take the rebound all the way around the net for a tight wrap.

Goalie starts on the post and follows the pass to the top of the crease. Goalie makes a butterfly save into the corner.***GOALIE STAYS DOWN after the save and butterfly slides to the post for the rebound or tight wrap.

Category: Goalie
Tags: Goalie Needs to FIX HIMSELF....Both feet on the goal line, big body, shoulders square to the shooter and no holes (use the Carry Price dead arm)
Posted By: Lawson Goaltending (Used in 29 Plans) Created: 2016-07-22, Last Modified 2014-09-16


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