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Race for the puck



1. Race for the puck: Players in 2 groups at the blue line against the boards. On coach's signal one player from each group skates hard and fast around the boards, watching oncoming player behind the net. Building momentum players continue to build speed up around the pylons into the slot for the puck to take a shot on net. Player without possession forechecks player for the puck (stickchecking,etc.)
2. Figure 8 tight turns: Players line up on both blue lines. Starting from the boards, 1 player from each group skates hard and fast building momentum executing tight turns around each pylon and watching for oncoming traffic at the center line. Try with a puck half way through station time.
3. Puckhandling with full stops: Players in two groups. 1 player from each group executes our suicide stop drill but while puckhandling at the same time. Ensure full stop in hockey stance with continuous puckhandling. If needed, try first without a puck.
4. Dump & chase: Coach dumps a puck into the corner or behind the net. 2 players race in for the puck along the boards. First player to gain puck possession tries to go for a shot on goal while other player forechecks trying to gain possession of the puck for a shot as well. Encourage players to try take time and puckhandle in the zone before rushing to take a shot on net. Half way through station, move players to boards and race in for puck on opposite side.
5. Lateral crossovers, pivots and backwards skating: Players in 2 groups. With back facing boards, starting at the center line, 1 player from each group begins executing lateral crossovers toward the pylon at the blue line. Then skating forwards to the pylon near center pivots to backwards skating back to where they started. Continuing on each player then skates forward to the pylon at the at the blue line again pivoting into backwards skating to the pylon nearest to the blueline at the boards. Finishing off each player executes later crossovers back to where they initially started.

Notes: Cross ice scrimmages or other SAGs

Category: Stations
Tags: 1. Encourage speed and building momentum continuously. Pay attention to oncoming traffic behind the net. If they do not have the puck encourage forechecking., 2. Knees bent especially on leading leg around tight turn. Head and stick lead the body. Watch for oncoming traffic when sharing the pylon at center line., 3. Encourage continuous puckhandling even while in full stop position. Players should be in hockey stance when completely stopped. Knees bent., 4. Encourage speed and forechecking to players. Take time to puckhandle in the zone (if they have it) before shooting., 5. Players should take their time and execute crossovers and continous transitioning while pivoting into backwards skating. This is not a race ;)
Posted By: foncepower (Used in 0 Plans) Created: 2012-01-25, Last Modified 2013-06-03


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