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Jail break



1. Divide players into team - if using whole team break into 4 groups, if doing drill with smaller group break into 2 teams.
2. Put one player from each team in jail. Works well to have coaches be the extra person in jail.
3. Game starts with coach shooting the puck into a corner.
4. First team to pass the puck to their teammate in jail is on offense and the person in jail (the prisoner) joins the attack to give them a man advantage.
5. If the other team steals the puck and makes a pass to the person in their jail, he joins the attack and the prisoner on the other team returns to jail.
6. Continue until a goal is scored and then the other team starts with the puck.

If there are extra teams - switch out every minute

Categories: Fun Games, End Game
Tags: 1. After losing position of the puck, make sure to get good goal side defensive position in the house
Posted By: cbeddie (Used in 21 Plans) Created: 2016-02-27, Last Modified 2018-10-21


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