This drill was created using's Online Drill Drawing & Practice Planning Platform.
1) WarmUp: Players pair up 10-15 feet apart; Player1 passes to Player2's backhand side; Player2 recieves pass on backhand,stickhandles to forehand and then returns pass to Player1's backhand.
2) 2-cones: Player skates with puck around top cone and passes to Coach; Player continues around bottom cone to receive return pass from Coach with a tight turn around the top cone with puck, then pass to next player in line.
3) Escape/Give&Go: Player posts up on Defense; passes to Coach and spins away from Defense and drives toward net; receives pass from Coach and takes shot on goal.
Notes: Work drills 2 and 3 from both sides to ensure that all players get reps on backhand;
Start slowly so that players get comfortable receiving pass on backhand side.