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4 pylon shooting



4 pylon shooting

Set up 4 pylons and put a bunch of pucks at each one.

Player starts in the middle of the pylons. On go, the player goes to one of the pylons, picks up a puck and then goes to the net for a shot. They then go to another pylon, pick up another puck, take it to the net and shoot. They continue until they have retrieved a puck from each of the 4 pylons. They can go in any order they want.

For the farthest two pylons, have the defense walk the line for their shots.

Categories: Shooting, Puck Control
Tags: - Shooting drill, - Practice shooting from different spots and angle, - Walk the line
Posted By: cbeddie (Used in 3 Plans) Created: 2019-03-16, Last Modified 2019-03-16


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