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Catch and release



Stage 1 - standing still. (C) passes to X who receives the pass as it comes across their body, pulls puck back towards feet and pushes towards the net. Understand the motion first before skating into it. As receiving the puck bottom hand will have to adjust, sliding up, or for some kids down, and drive into the ice as they release the shot. Top hand out and away from the body. Won't be able to catch and release if top hand is stuck on the hip.

Stage 2 - same drill but now X is skating into it to receive and shoot. Catch and release. Let it come across the body, continue skating into show, pull puck back towards feet and drive through the shot.

Stage 3- with obstacle. Set up extra net raised by 2 pucks so the pass will go through the bottom. Players will have to pick it up in stride and catch and release. Working on adjusting to the pass and finding it through traffic in short time.

Category: Shooting
Posted By: Soupy1577 (Used in 3 Plans) Created: 2019-08-27, Last Modified 2019-08-27


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