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puck protection 3 stations 2 goalies



Net Drive: Players start at the blue line. (C) is acting as a D. X leaves and drives down the ice and cuts in behind the coach to take the puck to the net. Use legs and body to protect puck - arms where possible. Drive to net for shot. (C) put pressure on but let them pass.

Keep away - X vs O in straight up keep away. X's can use their teammates on the outside as can O's when they have possession. Focus on keeping the puck and moving to get open with quick passes/movements. Defensively encourage TAKE AWAY SPACE! Get on them!

Half boards net drive. Start with (C) acting as O in the drill. On Go X protects the puck up the boards and at the top of the circle, cuts back down the boards and drives to the net. (C) puts pressure on and 'leans' on the player. Once they get the drill - have O become a player. Defensively teach to use feet and stick - don't reach with two hands. Lean on offensive player. Don't push or shove.

Category: Stations
Posted By: Soupy1577 (Used in 2 Plans) Created: 2019-11-10, Last Modified 2019-11-10


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