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D1 and D2 start behind blue facing center.

1) on whistle D1 and D2 skate to pucks in center circle.
2) F1 and F2 skate down their wing towards far blue and stop.
3) D1 pass to F1 and D2 Pass to F2
4) F1 and F2 skate back down same wing and take shot.
5) D1 and D2 go back and retrieve second puck at center.
6) F3 and F4 come down wings towards far blue for passes.
7) D1 and D2 pass to forwards (on other side this time)
8) F3 and F4 skate down and take shot/
9) D1 and D2 pick up pucks at center and skate to far blue. D walk the line and shoot.

Variation is D pass to winger cutting to middle who leaves puck for D to pick up. F curls to opposite side and gets pass back.

Notes: Wingers stop or open pivot to middle.
F stay net front for screen and rebounds on F2 and D.

Category: Timing
Tags: Timing from wings, Quick passes/ recover
Posted By: BVandyk (Used in 82 Plans) Created: 2011-09-21, Last Modified 2013-06-03


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