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Puck protection agility course



Puck protection course: Start in the corner, and drive around cones protecting puck. (C) can add pressure. Do combination of one hand and two hand. Stay low, use legs/shoulders/body to keep puck away from defender. Drive towards the stick set on tires push puck through the stick and jump over the stick, retrieve puck and tight turn protecting the puck again, to push it through the stick again and jump over it, retrieve puck and do one last turn to head back across the ice as intended towards stickhandling device. Quick hands through there and drive towards the corner to do the "Crosby cut back", tight turn and protect the puck - drive to mid ice and around the stick (held up by cone or milk crate) and finish with a shot. Allow for creativity on drive through the stick/cone. Encourage backhand shot or toe drag/change of angle for shot. (Age dependent).

Category: Puck Control
Posted By: Soupy1577 (Used in 3 Plans) Created: 2019-11-18, Last Modified 2019-11-18


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