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F3 shooting



F3 Shooting

Can be run in neutral zone or in one of the ends.

Put pucks in "corners' behind the net.

Two players are involved in each sequence. Switch jobs each time that they go.

F1 (First player) goes to retrieve the puck in one corner, they then carry the puck behind the net with their head up looking for a good passing lane to F3, who is hanging out in the high slot, in good shooting position, trying to mirror F1.

After the first pass and shot, F1 picks up the puck in the other corner, goes behind the net again for and then looks again for F3 for a second pass and shot.

After the two shots, the two players head to the back of opposite lines and the next two players go.

Categories: Shooting, Passing
Tags: Smooth pass reception and shot., , F3 reads position of F1 to get in good position to receive pass
Posted By: cbeddie (Used in 4 Plans) Created: 2019-11-30, Last Modified 2019-11-30


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