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1 v 1 Pass back tag in



Coach starts the drill by shooting hard low shot, which the goalie will deflect to a side.
The first F in each line races in the zone upon coach's shooting of the puck to gain control of the rebound.
The winning F is on offense and can shoot or pass to the D at the point. If a pass back to the D, another F is awarded to the offense creating a 2 V 1 from F line. The other F is on Defense and will try to skate the puck out of the zone for a point.

Notes: Coach to announce who is on offense to eliminate confusion once initial rebound is recovered.
D to stay onside and are only passing in this drill
Highly encourage D to D passing
Highly encourage off puck 2nd forward to maximize 2 v 1 opportunity and use body positioning

Category: Competitive
Tags: Utilize the point, D should pass to D creating this skill and more opportunity
Posted By: Duvaljr77 (Used in 0 Plans) Created: 2020-05-31, Last Modified 2020-05-31


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