(Go in order of lines)
The coach fires a pass up to either of the "blue" forwards (coloured jerseys for each line). The second the puck hits that player’s stick, the forward who got the pass and thier linemate head down on a MAX ONE PASS 2-on-0.
After one shot (unless a quick, available rebound kicks out to you – the point is, keep moving), those two forwards swing low, and get a second puck from that same coach.
A d-man jumps out, skates up, pivots back, and plays the full-ice 2-on-1.
They skate the length of the ice, make a play, and then turn up ice again. There’s no playing the rebound on that part.
The "blue" line’s third member, usually the center, jumps out of the corner to join the duo who has already had two rushes, and they head back up the ice. Two defenders jump out, the forwards get a pass from the other coach, and the rush is on.
After that attempt, the center (or whoever jumped out as the third F for the previous rush) throws on the brakes, gets a pass from the coach on the right, and has a full, length of the ice breakaway.
Once he hits center, the coach on the right hits one of the red forwards with a pass, and the whole thing starts over again.
Notes: The idea is to replicate the time and energy output it takes to go through one shift, while working on creativity and skills (it probably takes 30 seconds to run through per line).
* On the 2-on-0, you should score, or get robbed.
* The most important thing on the 2-on-1′s is getting a shot. Defender matches speed and positions properly with active stick
* On the 3-on-2, the most important thing is the zone entry and the mid-lane drive. Get that puck wide, and have the forward in the middle driving the far post. If the D cuts off the puck carrier before the blue line, player can chip it past D (NO TURNOVER HERE), and that middle skater can pick it up, and play the now-2-on-1.
* And the breakaway, well, that’s a free-for-all.
Can be a great way to end a practice with hard skating but fun
Can be used as a competition between forwards vs D/Goalies. Competition: Forwards have 7 min (maybe 10 min) to score 10 goals. Losers do extra skate alone.