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FW/BW Circles/Cones with Pass & Shot



Player "O" Skates forward around circle full speed with good cross-overs, pivots at blue line to backwards and traverses the cones backwards with cross-overs if possible, pivots to forward at the blue line and skates to the back of the line "X".
(Second "O" skater proceeds as soon as the first skater completes full circle.)

Simultaneously, player "X" skates backwards around the other circle, transitions from backwards to frontwards around the cone at the blue line, receives a pass from the coach, skates in, shoots and joins the back of line "O".
(Second "X" skater proceeds as soon as first skater completes full circle.)

Category: Skating
Tags: Continuous cross-overs at all times., Noiseless pivots., Crisp Passes, If everyone is going at even intervals, most of the team should be able to be mobile at all times.
Posted By: Wayne Field (Used in 2 Plans) Created: 2011-10-02, Last Modified 2013-06-03


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