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Breakout Pressure


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To start, set up 4 forwards and 4 defenders on the ice. Follow the video & the diagram above to see where F1, F2, F3, F4 & D1, D2, D3, D4 start.
On the whistle, F1 & F2 cross each other and begin a full ice 2 on 2 against D1 & D2.
Once F1 & F2 cross the far blueline, a coach steps out to get ready to dump a second puck.
After the 2 on 2 is played out for a little bit (or a goal is scored, the goalie freezes the puck, or the defenders break up the play), the coach blows the whistle to simulate a turnover. F1, F2, D1, & D2 all start to transition back up ice towards the coach.
The coach dumps the puck down into the zone, which also activates F3, F4, D3 & D4.
D1 & D2 now try to break the puck out to F3 & F4, while the F1 & F2 forecheck.
Once the puck is broken out to F3 & F4, they go down the ice 2 on 2 against D3 & D4. F1, F2, D1, D2 go to the bench.
D5, D6 & F5 & F6 step on the ice and get ready to go down the ice. This drill is continuous.
Communicate! All players need to communicate with their teammates.
Head-Up: All players should practice playing with their heads up so they can identify opportunities & threats.
Transition: Players should transition hard up the center of their ice with their stick on the ice.
Breakout: Defenders should use their partners on the breakout. Defenders should also practice deceptive retrievals to throw off the forecheck. View the video below to learn more about retrievals.

Category: Systems
Tags: Communication, Solid Passes
Posted By: rparker200 (Used in 1 Plan) Created: 2023-10-16, Last Modified 2023-10-23


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