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Break Out - Power Play



D sets up behind the net and waits for the rest of the players to setup. Very important!

The other D and the Forward will begin their swing in very deep, right down to the goal line. We will always come out the same side of the ice. There are enough options to do this consistently even if the other team knows what we are about to do.

The D will skate out from behind the net and make a short crisp pass to F on the boards, he will then follow up on the inside for a return pass.

The far side forward will time the play and make his way across the blue line and become a front side support option for the Forward with the puck.

Options for the forward with the puck are to drop back to the supporting D or headman to the curling F in support. Now the defensive team will probably try and and send the first X to the strong side and will try and squeeze the F on the boards in a similar way to the NZ trap. Thats when we drop the puck back to the supporting D. The D must turn immediately and make a hard straight pass across to the opposite curling D.

Now, the far blue line Forward times and reads which options the players before him are going with and will head across the blue line to receive a pass from either the far side D man or strong side curling Forward.

Unless there is a complete breakaway option the preference is to gain the zone and set up the controlled powerplay.

Note the positions of the remainder Forwards once the zone has been gained.

Notes: Patience from the D

Patience from the far blue line Forward

Timing and crisp tape to tape passes

Category: Systems
Tags: Patience with the puck, Spread the opposition, ,
Posted By: conza3 (Used in 5 Plans) Created: 2012-07-08, Last Modified 2013-06-03


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